Quality is the route not the destination

Quality is the route not the destination

After Sales Services

24months warranty

Mobin ghate services

more than 50 year services and production

Painting Service

Pressing Service

Transporting molds in the pressing hall with 10 ton load cranes, 200 liter to 2000 liter compressors to supply air to the devices

Welding Service

Perform leakage tests with a pressure of 0.3 bar for vehicle fuel tanks. Perform destructive tests for all types of welds

more than 50 years experience

Mobin Ghate Asia

Mobin Ghateh Asia Company manufactures all types of fuel tanks, body and engine parts for heavy and light vehicles with powerful management, experienced

personnel and equipped with up-to-date technical know-how.The company manufacturing various types of fence and tank car since 1347 and moved to Abbas Abad Industrial City in 1999 to expand and improve the quality of its factory products

year experience

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